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Our mission is to restore relationships to ourselves, each other, and the Earth, building engaged communities of changemakers to reimagine and catalyse the emergence of an economy in service of life.

Why we exist

At the heart of today’s cascading crises are two deeper truths: a crisis of separation — from ourselves, each other, and the living world — and a crisis of imagination, where the horizons of possibility feel constrained by the systems that created our predicament. These twin crises leave us disconnected, unable to see clearly or act boldly in response to the profound shifts unfolding across our planet.

Ecological and climate indicators are flashing red. Inequality is deepening. And even those working for change often find themselves caught in subtle denial — a numbing insulation from the scale of transformation required. Climate change is not always visible, but if we slow down and truly listen, we can hear it: in the silence of biodiversity loss and the stories of those most impacted.

Ostara exists to catalyse a radical reimagining of our collective future by addressing these twin crises through connection, imagination, and crucially, to catalyse bold action.

Ostara creates collective opportunities and experiences that invite us to:

Reconnect – to the earth, ourselves and each other. We create spaces for ritual, ceremony and embodied practice.

Remember – our deep interconnection with all life. We embrace old and new knowledge, including that deep within our bodies and our ancestral stories that have too often been lost.

Reimagine – the world we live in. We revisit the current systems and collectively dream new possibilities in service to all life.

How we act is as important as what we do.


We remember our kinship with all life and grow rooted in community.


We embrace nature’s rhythms, co-create with the flow of life and evolve organically, recognising change is the only constant.


We kindle our fierce love for the earth and act with compassion.


We harness the power of imagination to dream new possibilities.

Our name

Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess, Eostre, who represents spring and new beginnings. Ostara became the name used for celebration of the Spring Equinox, a time of year when life emerges anew from the compost of the old, a time connected to fertility, community and the earth.

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